Week 1

This is the first week of working on my yoga practice. Today I took a Vinyasa Flow Yoga class taught by Ally Maz. It was an online class due to the restrictions with COVID-19. However, she tried to create a "yogic" experience through the screen. She was able to do this through the setting of her room, the tone in her voice, and through her explanations.

When I started the class, the first thing that I noticed was her background. She only had a mat and a plant in the area she was doing yoga in. It was bright in the room and seemed very open. She also did not play any music to prevent any distractions. The next thing that I noticed was that she was using a mic to project her voice through the screen. Her tone was very inviting and instilled a calmness through me. While going through each asana, she explained the proper movement and breathing technique throughout. I was also able to see the asanas well because of how the camera was placed for the class.

Although Vinyasa Yoga is meant to work on your breathing while performing the asanas, I could not focus on my breathing. I was more focused on getting the correct poses and following her. That is something I will work on during future classes. Overall, I enjoyed the class that I took since it allowed me to get a good stretch in. I am excited about my next yoga class. 


  1. Good that you have identified the class and method of delivery. Continue to do this with each entry. Maybe the class was focused on breathing but did not teach it in a way that you could follow. How was breath instructed if you were asked to follow it?

    1. We were instructed to inhale or exhale with the change of an asana. I think my problem may have been that I was not going along with my breath pace, but with the instructor's breath pace.


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